Dr. G Raymond Gavery
Specialized in internal medicine and board-certified in family practice, Dr. Gavery developed one of the largest private medical practices in Illinois. In the late 1970s, Dr. Gavery’s practice became an early HMO adopter, where he gained extensive experience in full-risk contracts and focused on increasing practice efficiencies and patient quality of care.
Dr. Gavery pioneered the use of health risk assessments and wellness initiatives. In the late 1980s, Dr. Gavery developed the first commerging medical practice, American Family Doctor, a unique turn-key practice management system that included American Health-for-Life Institute, a complete wellness center. In the early 1990s, he went on to develop an EMR and medical management software. This unique experience of combining traditional medicine, preventive health and wellness, and managing financial risk led to the development of one of the first web-based HRAs and behavioral modification systems. In the mid-1990s, his company, Health and Wellness Solutions, Inc., sold its products to a number of clients through various marketing channels.
In 2003 Dr. Gavery developed a comprehensive Health Advancement program. From 2005 until 2011 Dr. Gavery authored a health management textbook and taught a Health and Wellness course at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. In 2006, Dr. Gavery developed the Brief Intervention Coaching Protocol (BICP) and created an association for certification of health coaches in behavioral modification and disease management. Between 2010 and 2012, he developed a physician program for the evaluation of Predisease conditions in asymptomatic patients.
Dr. Gavery retired in December of 2020 as the Chief Scientific and Medical Officer Chairman of the Board and responsible for the strategic direction of the Company, as well as, providing direction for adjustments to the proprietary algorithms utilized in the PredictiMed™ systems.