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US HealthCenter’s PredictiMed™ Receives Validation from the Intel-GE Care Innovations Validation Institute
ROSEVILLE, CA, February 10, 2015 – behalf of Intel-GE Care Innovations™ and the Validation Institute, US HealthCenter d.b.a. PredictiMed™ and its PredictiMed™ Predictive Modeling Analytics Engine has been validated and issued a stamp of approval. PredictiMed™ is now part of Intel-GE Care Innovations™ Validation Institute’s Trusted Community. Through validation, PredictiMed™ has achieved a highest standing in the healthcare industry and has been validated to adhere to the highest standards of validity.
The PredictiMed™ guarantee exemplifies valid metric measurement that is focusing only on the diagnosis codes that the Agency for Health Research and Quality says can be addressed. It is measuring events across the population (thus avoiding participant bias, a common and well-understood invalidator), and emphasizes ER and inpatient event avoidance. PredictiMed™ incorporates secular event rate trend into the event rate tally to avoid taking credit for reductions (such as in heart events) that would have, statistically speaking, taken place anyway. Furthermore, PredictiMed™ is willing to guarantee a reduction of ER events and hospitalizations by 25%, depending on participation and compliance of a population.
“Our focus has been the identification and health management of individuals in the pre-disease/pre- symptomatic state through our PredictiMed™ analytics platform to get ahead of the later stage illness curve that drives higher costs and poor outcomes. Our results prove that by applying our evidence based guidelines approach to these, as well as individuals with known conditions, we can reduce costs and improve outcomes. We are proud to have our years of work validated by the CI Validation Institute and look forward to continuously being measured by the highest standards,” said Dr. Raymond Gavery, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of US HealthCenter/PredictiMed.
The Institute had the opportunity to validate PredictiMed’s™ ability to identify and lower the predisease high risk level, which may precipitate a higher use of ER and hospital services, in thirteen major disease categories to a lower level where the preemptive intervention can be applied and thus reduce the incidence of ER visits and hospitalizations between 80 and 93%, depending on the disease category. Lower back pain outcome was the only disease category which resulted in 17% reduction from the critical risk level to a lower, less emergent level. US HealthCenter provides services to employers, health plans, health systems, Third Party Administrators, Coalitions and Government institutions, and will be soon entering the Accountable Care Organizations and Exchanges. With clients in all 50 states, the Company’s on-going mission is the improvement of health outcomes, reduction of chronic disease incidence, as well as direct and indirect healthcare costs. US HealthCenter’s PredictiMed™ new generation Predictive Modeling Analytics Engine and an early preventive and preemptive intervention was evaluated by the CI Validation Institute and validated as to its predictive accuracy and presymptomatic intervention and its ability to provide primary guarantee of positive outcomes to its clients.
“Our vision is that the Intel-GE Care Innovations Validation Institute will raise the bar on the efforts made to demonstrate the quality and effectiveness of remote care management and population health solutions,” said Karissa Price, Executive Director of the CI Validation Institute. “Through the Validation Institute, Care Innovations seeks to provide organizations with unbiased, third-party evaluation to ensure its assessment methodology is sound, which is critical in building population health programs that will help those who are sick better manage their health and prevent those who are at-risk from developing costly chronic conditions.”
"Our team is honored to receive this recognition from the CI Validation Institute. We have a strong sense of purpose to not only improve the quality of life of our members, but to demonstrate our commitment to the scientific validation of our platform,” said Gavin Quinnies, President and Chief Operating Officer of US HealthCenter/PredictiMed.
About the Intel-GE Care Innovations Validation Institute
The CI Validation Institute’s goal is to help organizations involved in population health – from Health Plans to Employers to Vendors – adhere to the highest standards of validity, allowing them to compete on the basis of integrity and performance rather than hyperbole. The Validation Institute will impartially challenge the status quo of typical population health outcomes measurement, with the objective of impacting how the industry establishes its credibility. Visit http://www.validationinstitute.com to learn more.
About PredictiMed™
PredictiMed™ is a Software as a Service (SaaS) based personalized, predictive medicine analytics and population health management business, located in Milwaukee, WI. The Company’s history and on-going mission is the improvement of health outcomes and the reduction of direct and indirect health costs. The Company’s portfolio of proprietary data analytic tools, products and services are marketed under the brand name of “PredictiMed”.
The Company has developed its proprietary predictive software platform integrating big data and cloud computing into a (SaaS) model to assist employers, consumers, health plans, providers and insurers in the identification and management of pre-disease, disease and end stage disease states and associated medical costs across the entire continuum of care. The Company’s business intelligence solution utilizes integrated data to identify health risks, treatment gaps and inefficiencies and applies practical, clinically validated solutions to the medical management process in order to improve quality and lower costs.
Gavin Quinnies
US HealthCenter/PredictiMed
Rachel Radcliff
ReviveHealth for Care Innovations